Read about this before, and forgot to follow up with it, till I saw the piece in Design Week, what a thrill! Beautifully illustrated walls will grace the premises of the Zizzi Ristorante pizza houses, each created by a different artist, to represent the location.
Zizzi Ristorante will run a design competition to choose the artists, open to anyone who studied in the UK and graduated in the last four years. The illustration brief simply reading – ‘Deliciously stylish’
Zizzi says ‘There is a strong chance that the competition winners will be working on these redesigns. There is also the possibility of designers being independently commissioned to replicate their illustrations on a restaurant wall. The winners will be following in the footsteps of Zizzi design alumni including illustrators Camille Rousseau, Amy Murray (image shown), Matt Kavan Brooks and Lizzie Mary Cullen, painter Katy Thompson and ceramicist James Rigler.’
If you’re an illustrator and you qualify, email with your work (at 350dpi) and a brief explanation of what inspired it, your name, date of birth, university you studied at and subject, the year graduated, and your address and telephone number.The closing date for entries is 20 February, 2011